6 Most Common Surgeries in the US

Surgeons are in high demand. With an aging population and longer lifespans, the demand isn’t expected to slow in the next eight years. However, there are surgeons for specialties from heart and brain surgeons to cataract removal to meet this demand.

Which surgeries are the most common in the US?

6 Most Common Surgeries in the US


Cataracts impact over 50% of adults 75 or older. Annually, three million people rely on surgeons to remove their cataracts in the US alone. The surgery requires a skilled surgeon to remove the cataract and replace it with an artificial one.

When the cataract is removed, the person’s vision is no longer blurry, and they can see clearly again.

A few facts surrounding cataract surgery include:

  • Most people go home right after surgery

  • 3 million Americans have this surgery per year

  • Costs range from $2,300 - $3,000


Every year, women across the country have C-sections. The procedure is performed on 1.3 million women in the United States, and it’s often due to the potential risks of giving vaginal birth. Additionally, there are times when blood pressure or delivery issues call for an immediate C-section.

A few facts about this surgery are:

  • C-sections have a cost of around $13,000

  • Women are typically awake during the procedure


As people continue to live longer, there’s a greater risk of joints needing to be replaced. Often, the fluid protecting the joints doesn’t work as well as it used to, allowing the joint to rub against bone, ligaments and cartilage. This rubbing can lead to significant pain and discomfort.

Annually, 720,000 knees and 330,000 hips are replaced in the US alone.

Depending on the extent of the damage, part or full removal is necessary. Artificial joints are put in the joint’s place.

A few facts about joint replacement are:

  • Over 1 million joints are replaced annually

  • Arthritis is a common cause of replacement

  • Surgery costs range from $16,500 to $33,000


Many parents opt to have their newborns circumcised after they’re born. The procedure isn’t a necessity, but there is evidence that removal can lower the risk of penile cancer and infections in newborns.

A few facts about this procedure are:

  • 1 million babies undergo circumcision per year

  • Circumcision isn’t medically necessary

  • Costs are just $250


Over 670,000 surgeries for bone-related repairs occur annually. These surgeries often include inserting:

  • Metal plates

  • Rods

Surgical repair can cost $8,000 to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on severity. Facts surrounding bone repairs include:

  • 670,000 surgeries occur annually

  • Fixing major bones can cost tens of thousands of dollars


Over half a million people have to undergo angioplasty procedures each year. This type of heart surgery helps remove clogs in the heart and restores full blood flow to the heart. The procedure lowers the person’s risk of a heart attack.

Facts about angioplasty include:

  • 500,000+ surgeries are performed in the US per year for angioplasty

  • Procedures cost $20,000 or more

A few of the surgeries that take place every day but didn’t make the list include hysterectomy, gallbladder removal and heart bypass surgery.


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